1ro "A"

1ro "A"
Maestra y alumnos

martes, 25 de octubre de 2011

Long a

Watch this video to learn the long a sound in words with ai

Now, let's plactice with Roy the Zebra!

Watch this video to learn the long a sound in words with ay

Let's play with Roy the Zebra!

Play these games to learn the long a sound in words with a-e

¡Qué viva la jarana!

Practicamos 'La jarana de Colón' por el Día de la Canción Criolla

domingo, 16 de octubre de 2011

Long e

Read this story and practice the long e sound

Click here

Play and learn

Sing alog and practice the short and long e sound

domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011