1ro "A"

1ro "A"
Maestra y alumnos

sábado, 24 de diciembre de 2011

Feliz Navidad

De todo corazón les deseo una muy Feliz Navidad a todos ustedes mis bellos chicos, que la llegada de Jesucito derrame miles de bendiciones en sus bellos hogares

Los llevo a todos en mi corazón

viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2011

Derechos del Niño

¿Qué son los Derechos del Niño?

Aprendamos un poco más acerca de los Derechos del niño 

Ahora cantemos una alegre canción sobre los Derechos del Niño

Recuerda que tienes derechos que deben ser respetados, pero a la vez debes cumplir con tus deberes.


Sing along with the Jobs song

Let's review the vocabulary about Jobs

Long U

Watch this video to learn the long u sound 
Make words with long u sound
Read and have fun: Dune Buggy
Now look for the words with long u sound

Match all the long vowel words with their pictures

domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2011

More Math games!!! Learn and have fun :D

Find out which numbers is greater than or less than

Order the numbers from less to greater

Order the numbers

Order the t-shirts on the washing line

One false move: Click on the numbers from least to greatest or vice versa

Wich number is greater? Which number is less?

Choose the correct symbols >, < or =

Complete the number track

Click here

Click on the correct cars

What number comes next?

Find the number

Which number is missing?

Pick the correct number

Read the story of Even and Odd

Count and decide if the number is odd or even

Odd or even?

Click on the right bubbles

Long o

Watch this video to learn the long o sound in words with o

Make words with long o sound

Word hunt: Look for words with long o sound

Read and have fun: Robot & Mr. Mole

Read and hear a poem

Now look for the words with long o sound

Long i

Watch this video to learn the long i sound in words with i 
Now, let's plactice with Roy the Zebra!

Now, you can read

Now it's time to make some words

Read and hear the following poem

martes, 25 de octubre de 2011

Long a

Watch this video to learn the long a sound in words with ai

Now, let's plactice with Roy the Zebra!

Watch this video to learn the long a sound in words with ay

Let's play with Roy the Zebra!

Play these games to learn the long a sound in words with a-e

¡Qué viva la jarana!

Practicamos 'La jarana de Colón' por el Día de la Canción Criolla

domingo, 16 de octubre de 2011

Long e

Read this story and practice the long e sound

Click here

Play and learn

Sing alog and practice the short and long e sound

domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011

domingo, 18 de septiembre de 2011

Words with sound oa / ow

Play with Tom and complete the words with the /oa/ sound

Play with Mango and complete the words with the /ow/ sound 

Now it's tour turn to decide... Complete the words with oa or ow

jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2011

domingo, 4 de septiembre de 2011